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Digest Overview

Drastically reduce the time it takes to create and distribute executive updates

Paige McPheely avatar
Written by Paige McPheely
Updated over a week ago

Digest Builder drastically reduces the time it takes to create and distribute executive updates. Like most EAs, you likely spend hours every week pulling together a report that details upcoming meetings, travel plans, and important deadlines for the executive you support. Base’s Digest Builder creates beautiful executive updates in minutes, giving you time back in your day to focus on more strategic work. For a video demo of Digest Builder, click here.

How To Use Digest Builder

Step 1

Navigate to Digest Builder using the Feature Selection Menu. 

Step 2

Click "+ New Digest" to create a Digest from Scratch or from a Template.

Step 3

Click on the "Add Block" icon (the green "+") to add insightful information for your Executive, Events, Tasks, Decision Streams, images, and more. (More information can be found here.)

Step 4

Title your Digest.

Step 5

Once your Digest is built, select Preview & Send to preview your Digest, schedule the send, and select the recipient(s). 

Digests can be sent or scheduled via email, SMS or Slack. You can also copy the link to share in another communication tool.

NOTE: The banner that appears at the top of Digests is only visible when the Digest is sent via email, and only until your Exec has seen it enough to be familiar with Dynamic Digests. It will automatically be removed after several Digests are sent via email to your Exec. When viewed in a web browser via shared link, Digests are dynamic and will reflect all changes made to that Digest within Base.

Step 6

To locate previously saved and sent Digests, locate and click the white arrow to the left of "Digest Builder."

A paper airplane icon indicates the Digest has been sent, and a piece of paper icon indicates the Digest has been saved but not sent.

Step 7

To view and respond to comments, locate and click the Commenting Icon.

For more information on Commenting, click here.

Want more information? Check out the Digest Builder Demo below!

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